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Markus Lück
Amiga 1200, Elbox Tower, BlizzardPPC 603e 200 MHz + 68040 25 MHz, 80 MB Ram, FastATA 1200, Seagate 20GB + 30GB ATA HDD, 50x CDROM Drive, 32/10/24 CDRW Drive
G-Rex 1200, Voodoo3 3000, TerraTec 128i, WinTV Primio FM, 10 Mbit Network card
[ Click on images to enlarge ]
Matthias Münch
Amiga 4000D, CyberstormPPC 604e 233 MHz + 68060 50 MHz, 128 MB Ram
G-Rex 4000D, Voodoo3 3000, TerraTec 512i, WinTV Go!, 10 Mbit Realtek Network card
[ Click on images to enlarge ]
Thomas Heyer
Amiga 1200, BlizzardPPC 603e 240 MHz + 68060 50 MHz + SCSI, 96 MB Ram
G-Rex 1200, Voodoo3 3000, TerraTec 128i, 10 Mbit Netzwork card
[ Click on images to enlarge ]
Mark Phillips
Amiga 1200, BlizzardPPC 603e 233 MHz + 68060 50 MHz, 19" Monitor
G-Rex 1200, Voodoo3 3000
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Amiga 1200, BlizzardPPC 603e 240 MHz + 68060 50 MHz + SCSI, 128 MB Ram, 60 GB SCSI HDD, CDR Drive, DSS8+ Sampler, AmigaOS3.9
G-Rex 1200, Voodoo3 3000, TerraTec 128i, 10 Mbit Network card
This page is Copyright © 2002-2025 Matthias Münch. All Rights Reserved.
'G-REX PCI' is a Product of DCE Computer Service GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
AmigaPlus Issue 01/2002
"The G-REX family, including the G-REX 1200, is [...] a technical matured Product, that can be recommend to every BlizzardPPC owner."