Click on images to enlarge.

1. Open the case of the Amiga 4000

2. Remove the original busboard

3. Insert the new G-REX 4000D board

4. Insert a Voodoo graphic card

5. Insert a network card and tv card

6. Insert a TerraTec 512i sound card

7. G-REX 4000D full loaded with Voodoo, TerraTec 512i, WinTV and a Network card

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This page is Copyright © 2002-2025 Matthias Münch. All Rights Reserved.
'G-REX PCI' is a Product of DCE Computer Service GmbH. All Rights Reserved.

Issue 01/2002
"The G-REX family, including the G-REX 1200, is [...] a technical matured Product, that can be recommend to every BlizzardPPC owner."